Monday, August 10, 2015

The Blogger Recognition Award

I was nominated by the lovely Sinead at Less Reality More Books  to do the Blogger Recognition award. Thanks so much for the nomination!! This is the first time I do something like this so I hope I don't get anything wrong! 

These are the rules:

Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to. 
Do some digging if you must! Find those blogs. You cannot nominate yourself or the person who has nominated you.

Write a post to show off your award!

Give a brief story of how your blog got started, and give a piece or two of advice to new bloggers. Thank whoever nominated you, and provide a link to their blog. List who you’ve nominated in the post. Make sure to also attach the award itself! (You can do this by right-clicking, saving, and uploading the image above).

Comment on each blog and let them know you’ve nominated them. Provide a link to the award post you created.

Provide a link to the original post on Edge of Night. 

That way, anyone can find the original guidelines and post if needed, and we can keep it from mutating and becoming confusing! 

My Story: 

I like to think that I was always a reader. As a child, I did really enjoy those thin chapter books and was always proud of myself when I finished one that was either long or had no pictures. Reading was a hobby I took part in regularly. As I got older, I sort of lost interest because I wasn't aware of all the great books out there. YA was something I didn't really know existed. When the Hunger Games became popular, and everyone started reading it, I did too. It made me fall in love with reading all over again. 
When I found out about GoodReads a few years back, it helped me realise how many other books I could enjoy and how you could interact with people who like the same ones you do. I immediately had to join in on the fun! 
After a while, I found out that people not only reviewed books on GoodReads, but they had blogs as well to talk about books. I thought it was really hard to do, and that you had to be older and more experienced. I didn't think about starting my own until a good while later, when I viewed more and more blogs and the idea really appealed to me. Now I can only say I wish I'd done it sooner, because having a book blog is sort of like having your own little customised library, and people visit every once in a while to see what you added, loved, hated, recommended. It's something on a whole new level of awesome! 

My Advice:

The most important thing I have to say when it comes to advice is just to not take yourself too seriously. I know it's sometimes hard not to want everything to be perfect, but you need to just relax sometimes. You love books, and you think reading is fun. Blogging should be fun, too! Don't force yourself to do it a certain way or make your posts a certain amount long. Don't feel obligated to post if you're too busy or too tired. It's not an assignment, it's a hobby! Just make sure you're honest about your opinions. So to all you people just starting out, do it however you want to do it. If you like throwing in sarcastic lines in your reviews, do it! Everyone likes when your personality can shine through your words. If you want to post something completely random about a girl you saw in the bookstore the other day who asked you what Fifty Shades of Grey was about, do that too! Just make sure you're happy with your blog and that you find having one fun :) 

I nominate: 

Chioma at Blue Books and Butterflies
Krystianna at Downright Dystopian
Cristina at My Tiny Obsessions
Charnell at Reviews from a Bookworm
Caroline at Just Another Bookish Blog
Tika at fANGIRL Confessions
Rachel at A Perfection Called Books
Cari at My Addiction: Books
Majanka at I Heart Reading 
Cody at Literary-ly Obsessed
Cynthia at Bingeing On Books
Klara at Book Addict
Tori at In Tori Lex
Victoria at Addlepates and Book Nerds
Alyssa at The Eater of Books!

I hope you guys decide to do this tag! 

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